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Answers and solutions
Is SimpleSign a safe app to use?Yes it is! This app is designed to be used in high security environments and does not harm your device.
Is it mandatory to use a card reader?No, it is not. For a small fee you can use Smart-ID (at this moment available in Belgium, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia... more countries to come)
Which eID cards can be used?Here you can find the list that is regularly updated. For this list it is not necessary to do any other installation. SimpleSign will be able to handle your eID immediately. Other cards require a small installation. BUT to be honest we have not tested all the smart cards/eID cards that are available in the world. You can help us testing them and completing our list. After installation of SimpleSign and connecting your card reader install the driver of your eID card on your device. This driver is in most cases the middleware that your gouvernement is providing. Just type eg. "Belgian eID middleware" in your browser and you will be directed to the download page. (For Belgian eID this installation is not necessary). Start SimpleSign, connect your card reader, insert your eID card and choose TRUSTSTORE when signing the document. The Truststore should detect your eID card. (Truststore works for al PKCs#11 type smart cards). If your eID card works and is not on the list, please let us know via our feedback page! THANK YOU!
Is the digital signature legally binding?Yes, SimpleSign is using the digital signing principles of eIDAS and delivers a Qualified Electronic Signature.
Can I use a non-EU eID?Not at the moment. SimpleSign checks the validity of an eID against the European Trusted List. BUT we can link the app to other Trusted Lists if needed. Please let us know your needs via our feedback page.
What is Smart-ID?Smart-ID is a mobile app with which you can legally authenticate, identify and digitally sign. It is currently available in Belgium, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Smart-ID is developed and supported by SK ID Solutions.
Which technology is used?SimpleSign is an app that uses several technology components that are freely provided by the European Commission EUTL: European Trusted List to validate that the eID that is used to sign a document is still valid eIDAS:
Which information is shared with the outside wold?SimpleSign does not share you identity information nor your document. The app links to the outside world to validate your eID against the EUTL (European Trusted List) check if your license key is still valid
On which operating systems does SimpleSign work?SimpleSign runs on Mac and Windows. The application only works the most recent operating systems still supported by the manufacturers. You can easily check this list of supported OS on Wikipedia.
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